[윈도우서버] Server Microsoft HTTP API2.0 제거하기
2023. 9. 27. 03:11
응답 헤더부에 Server Microsoft HTTP API2.0 제거하기
보안상 서버의 정보가 가급적 안나오는게 좋다.
레지스트리 값을 수정한다.
Open Regedit
Navigate to: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters
If DisableServerHeader doesn't exist, create it (DWORD 32bit) and give it a value of 2.
If it does exist, and the value isn't 2, set it to 2.
Reboot the server OR restart the HTTP service by calling "net stop http" then "net start http"
참고 : https://serverfault.com/questions/941585/how-to-remove-microsoft-httpapi-2-0-header-on-iis-8-and-10
참고 : https://docs.liquit.com/docs/lws-appendix-web-server-remove-the-httpapi-20-header
참고 : https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?isHttpsRedirect=true&blogId=best798&logNo=220229767262